
The 2021 Annual Summit will be organized as a high-level and large-scale networking event, with the aim of:- Increasing the visibility and profile of the platform and the benefits it provides to stakeholders and women entrepreneurship;- Provides regular opportunity to share best practices, ideas;- Provide...

Each ambassador is expected to give at least one (1) motivational speech at school/college motivating young people (women) to start a career in entrepreneurship. Appearing on TV/radio shows aims to provide wider coverage of the main messages behind the campaign for ambassadors, while podcasts and...

Local hubs will encourage dialogue with local/regional authorities and provide services to women entrepreneurs. The hubs are envisaged as local working groups that will focus on improving the local environment related to women entrepreneurship while promoting activism and capacity building....

Two (2) peer learning study visits are planned to provide networking opportunities with other European peers, exchange good practices and build partnerships. Peer-to-peer learning workshops are expected to achieve a number of goals, including gaining insight into initiatives, strengthening practice within the platform, but also...

Здружението на бизнис жени  е специфичен и компетентен партнер во дијалогот со Владата, невладините организации, и приватниот сектор, кој придонесува за социјалниот и економскиот развој, ставајќи посебен акцент на женското претприемништво како фактор на економски раст. Здружението игра водечка улога во организирањето на дијалогот и...

To increase visibility and access to good practices, during the second and third project years we will organize three (3) peer learning webinars for a total of 75 participants. Acknowledging that the strongest knowledge of the sector is in the sector itself, the project will...

In quo meis probatus perpetua. Has epicuri percipit comprehensam et. Ad iusto ludus has, omnium copiosae pertinax nec ut. Usu at suas lucilius abhorreant, audire viderer vituperatoribus no nec. Nam ullum commodo ne. Sed suas legere ad, nominati salutatus molestiae at eum, nostrum oportere sententiae...

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